Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama, the first few days

Isn't it great to see that the man who proclaimed that Change was coming, is pretty much behaving like every other liberal that has entered the oval office. It is nice to see that he had to take shots at the outgoing administration in his innaugural speach, and has continued to take pot shots at Republicans every chance he gets.

When R-Oh, Eric Cantor expressed that you can't increas benefits to low income people that don't pay any taxes at all, Obama responded, I won. I can trump you on that.

Closing Gitmo, how childish can you be. Saying that you won't abandon your ideals for the security of the US, again, how naive can you be? I guess this is what you get when you vote somebody into office that has absolutely no clue about what is going on.

Obama's solution for the economy, let's create 3 million new government jobs. Let's have the government spend 1 trillion dollars.

You would get more economic stimulus if you divided up that money and gave it to the taxpayers of this country. The economy would be instantly flush with cash and spending from the ground up. The economy would be flying again, the banks would be flush with cash, creditors would be flush with cash as people paid off their bills, and merchants would be getting business from all the spending.

The government throwing a trillion dollars to the top of the food chain will not stimulate anything.

Gay Marriage, Proposition 8

How sad is it that people think that being able to get married is a right. It is not a right. Not too mention we have all kinds of laws that govern who can get married and under what circumstances it can happen.

Gays have developed a history of expecting EXTRA rights to be guaranteed to them, when in reality they do not deserve any thing extra. Why should be select any group of people an confer on to them some special status deserving of more consideration than the rest of society?

Most jurisdictions around the United States have some sort of civil union statutes that allow any two people to enter into a relationship that is legally binding, much like a marriage would be. It carries with it all the weight that a marriage certificate would have. They get to share insurance plans, pensions plans and inheritance rights.

There is absolutely no reason that gays should be able to get married to each other when the VAST majority if our citizens in this country are against it. The fact that the voters of California voted against gay marriage says it all. They do not want that, and therefore it is the will of the people. It is not discrimination.

The liberals in our society will not be satisfied until there are no moral boundaries. Until they erode all of our values in this country so that there are not consequences to anything, they will not be happy.

What time period was better as far as our society now, or 1970, or 1960, 1950. I would proffer to you that our society was safer and happier 40 years ago, than it is today. Yes, people will bring up the racial inequalities of earlier periods, and that is true, but if you remove that element from the discussion it is very clear what time was better, and it certainly is not the amoral, decadent lifestyles of today.