Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Well, I had a great time for the most part this year. I got to see all of my kids and grandkids so that was very nice.

We went to Mary's parent's house in the afternoon for a couple hours. Normally we would stay for dinner but there was no dinner to stay for this year. Noah and Cherry came back to our house and we deep fried some Cornish game hens and they turned out really well. Later on I drove them home to West Seattle.

It is a shame that the big family Christmas get-togethers have all but been destroyed by Mary's sister, Barb. She has held a grudge against Mary and I for years now, ever since she was a no-show at the family Christmas at our house, which I would say was one of the best we have had in the 7 years I have known Mary. I don't understand people that are so shallow that they would bring that kind of baggage to a family affair. Mary took a picture of her sister, which she didn't know Mary was taking it, and it is the saddest picture you could imagine. How anyone that has as much as she does could be sad walking around with a frown on Chistmas is astonishing.

I didn't call anyone on Christmas this year, as in my immediate family. I wanted to see if I would get any calls from them. My phone didn't ring once. It was to be expected I suppose.

I hate to admit it and I don't know if I can, but I really should just let it go and live my life as though most of my family has passed away. I could just tell people that, yeah, my brothers both died years ago. They would say, oh, I am sorry to hear that. Then I would reply, oh, don't be sad, we weren't close.

For years my family treated me as though I were somehow dysfunctional because my life was not as perfect as theirs. I had to work at life, when they had everything fall neatly into their laps. I suppose life is pretty good when your parents are actively helping you get to the next levels of it. They never walked a mile in my shoes, yet, they judged me harshly. I love my family to death, and if any member of my family called me and said that they need my help for something because it was an emergency, I would drop everything and be there as quickly as I could. Somehow I doubt it would be the same for my brothers. That is the black cloud that follows me all the days of my life and will be there until they pass, and then it will be gone, because there will be a legitimate reason we don't see each other.

I don't quite understand how two men who held themselves out to be these great husbands and fathers can be such failures as brothers. I have lived life more than they will ever know. I am a great dad. I teach my children values, like family first, something my family didn't care about.

Next year it will be different as we are going to have the children come to our house for Christmas. It should be quite nice as there will be a lot of little ones running around and actual true joy and happiness, which is what Christmas is all about.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Worst Films of 2008

First off, I want to say that I disagree whole-heartedly with No. 3, Quantum of Solace. People need to get over themselves, especially critics. Where are the gadgets? This is the No. 1 thing that people mention when reviewing this film. Who cares, grow up. There is a time and a place. When your movie is based on gadgets, your movie is probably pretty crappy. While it is true that the theme song was the worst of all of the Bond movies, this alone should not make it onto a list of the years worst.

This critic should be out of work for comprising a list like the one below. No. 10 is a film that he hasn't even seen. What a joke.

In any given year there are far more crappy movies than good ones. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 10 bad movies for every good one. It could actually be much higher than that given the volume of crap that comes out of Hollywood these days.

Where is Get Smart , The Love Guru, Pineapple Express, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Son of Rambow, Speed Racer, Vantage Point, One Missed Call, Step Brothers, Semi-Pro.

Obviously, the worst movie list is very subjective, but if you are going to put one together you should at least have a clue.

To be fair, most of the list below is crap, but No. 1 sure wasn't 7 pounds, nor was No.3 or No. 10.,2933,471526,00.html

Al Franken, joke

Well, it seems the Democrats will have manipulated their way to another victory in Minnesota. It doesn't matter what the people vote for, if the Democrats want it bad enough they will do what it takes to seal the deal.

Fraudulent ballots, who cares. Ballots mysteriously being found, who cares. As long as they win, that is all that matters.

Al Franken is a joke when it comes to politics. Hack would not be a word that aptly describes this man. But, he is a perfect fit for the Democratic party. The party of anything goes, the party of moral irresponsibility, the terrorist's party of choice.

Going down the Ignorant Road

How far down the Ignorant Road are the liberals going to go? Obama can't find someone to run the CIA because the left-wing idiots don't want anybody that has been associated with the CIA for the last 8 years.

The liberals don't want any harsy interrogation techniques to be used. Kind of like what Clinton did back when he was the President as far as tying the hands of the intelligence community. It is not a coincidence that America has not been attacked since 9/11. It is a direct result of our intelligence gathering techniques.

Maybe the libs think if we just ask our enemies in low, soft tones what they are planning they will tell us. How ignorant are these people? This is what is going to lead to the next attack on American soil, the pandering to the mamby pamby left. You know the ones I am talking about, the ones that never served a day in their lives, because behind all the rhetoric they are cowards.

These people don't have a clue what it takes to be secure. They don't want to be inconvenienced in the slightest. They want to be safe, but don't want to do what is necessary.

Bernard Madoff should die in prison

What is the appropriate punishment for someone that ruined so many lives out of greed? I think it would be more than acceptable for him to spend the rest of his life in a maximum security prison.

I just read today how someone committed suicide because of the losses they suffered due to Bernard Madoff's ponzi scheme. And all the while Bernie is at his home walking around free with an ankle monitor bracelet on. Why isn't this guy in jail awaiting trial? Why haven't all his assets been seized? Why is he being allowed to live it up while others are suffering so deeply?

Yes, Bernie deserves to spend his days in a prison, never to spend a dime again. All his assets should be sold off to help reimburse those that have suffered.

Hopefully, there is a special place in hell set aside for Bernie to spend eternity thinking about how he lived his life destroying other's dreams.

This is your world.

I just read this story:,2933,471405,00.html

How sad is it that somehow this kid's parents thought this was okay? Could it be that they thought it would be okay because after all we live in this liberal society where everything is supposed to be tolerated? I mean, who are we to question their parenting style. Why shouldn't it be okay to tie your kid up to a tree in front of your house as punishment?

This is your world, the one you want. You don't want God in your life. You want to dismiss the teachings of Jesus Christ. You think you know better than the Bible. You are reaping what you have sown, get use to it.

If you want to see your future, try reading this the Left Behind series of books. It is not too late for you.

Monday, December 22, 2008

President Bush, another side

In today's America you will not find many positive stories written about the President from the hating left wing media in our country and it is a real shame. The silver lining to that is that many of them are going out of business as a result of not being unbiassed. America is a conservative country that is held hostage so often by the electoral college. The papers paint a negative picture overwhelmingly of conservative candidates while ignoring the negative about liberals and puffing them up.

The real truth is that President Bush is an incredibly caring man and a true patriot for keeping our country safe for the past 7 years. I shudder to think where we would be today if we had that milk toast Gore in the oval office. I don't know what is worse a totaly unqualified president, obama, or a environmental lunatic like gore.

NY Times Blames Bush For Economic Crisis

The NY Times has proven once again that they are hacks and should be out of business. They wrote an article that dared to blame President Bush for the economic Crisis when it was Clinton who gave the Community Reinvestment Act teeth, so that they could force banks to loan money to people that had no business applying for loans to begin with.

Bush tried to pass legislation to curb what was going on at FannieMae and the Democratic leadership ignored it. They held hearings in the banking committees which are run by democrats, and they praised FannieMae, that idiot Barney Frank and Maxine Waters were leading the way for the all is well parade.

Democrats love nothing more than to blame people, especially if they are the ones at fault. They have to blame somebody because after all they are the party of moral irresponsibility and that of course flows right into their professional lives where they take responsibility for nothing that is bad. They are all too happy to take credit for anything good that happens, even if they didn't have anything to do with it, ie, see Clinton taking credit for Bush policies at the beginning of his tenure in the white house that created economic growth.

New York Times

Is it any wonder that the NY Times is close to bankruptcy? I mean, why wouldn't you want to buy a paper that prints fake letters from foreign dignataries, while ignoring real news about the economy or Obama?

We would all be better off if the Times was gone from our society. They are one of the most left wing newspapers along with the LA Times (in bancruptcy?) along with the Washington Post. How do these idiots expect to stay in business when they are so one-sided in their coverage of major topics?

If it wasn't for the Left wing media combined with the embicile factor in America Obama would never have been elected. History will be the real judge on Obama/Biden(incompetent). God forbid anything happens to Obama. The scariest thing for Americans would be a Biden presidency. That guy makes morons seem smart. The walking gaff. Every other time he opens his mouth something stupid comes out.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow and Seattle

It was really a crazy week with the snow in our area this week. I drove over the pass on the day that it really went nuts with the snow. I had to detour on a 2-lane road for about 30 miles which was very interesting at times. I decided to pull over and chain-up right ahead of a semi that had pulled off to chain the tires. I was not wanting to become the stuck car in the middle of the road, blocking it. After I chained-up I felt pretty good. I am always concerned that part of the cable will hit the car and chip the paint or something.

It was a very slow grind to get over the pass. It was by far the worst drive I have had over it in my memory. It was so snowy for so long. I was glad that I had already chained-up, because it was really nasty out there. My car performed really well, along with my chains and I made home.

The next day Mary was driving to work and the traffic was at a stand-still in Seattle a few miles from her work and the engine was running a little hot. After what happened this summer with the radiator explosion, she was a little worried so pulled over and turned off the engine to let it cool down. When she went to restart it, it wouldn't start. Luckily we just had the car worked on and the shop gave us a free membership in a loyalty program that actually has roadside assistance. She ended up getting towed by a AAA truck. He took her to her job where I had her get a jump and the car started right up. Hopefully, it was just a drain from the cold on the battery. It has ran fine since then so all good so far.

There were a couple tour buses that slid down a steep street in Seattle and one crashed through the guardrail and was hanging over I-5, then the second bus hit the first one pushing it further out over the freeway. Only in Seattle do our buses keep crashing through barricades and falling or almost falling to the streets below.

They chain up the buses one day, when they don't need it, then when they should have chains, they are unchained. Typical King County wisdom. Incompetents in the local governments. Liberals, why do they ignore history? If they didn't surely they would learn some lessons so these accidents could be further minimized.

Raising taxes in Washington

I just read an article about how the budget has been cut by about 3 billion dollars. After I read this article I read some comments left by people and I just had to laugh. People are so naive when it comes to money. You don't want your taxes raised, yet, you continue to vote for an irresponsible governor. Gregoire's leadership, or should I say, lack there of, is embarassing our state and she single handedly is responsible for the economic disaster in our state, period.

Cut, cut, cut, cut the pork out of the budget. Shrink our state government, cut the fat, yeah, you useless extra employees on the government teet. Let's get rid of all the wasteful agencies in our state, let's combine redundant (useless) agencies into one and then get rid of those employees that you don't need. Hooray for this opportunity to reduce the size of government.

The government is not supposed to solve every one or your problems. I get so sick and tired of all the bs that the party that is responsible for all of this mess has gotten a pass. I can't wait for Obama to take office to see how overnight the papers will be reporting vastly improved economy due to the messiah's presence, and in reality it will just be due to the fact that they are now reporting the good news that they had been covering up, ignoring during the last few months of President Bush's term in office. Who will they hate then? What will these un-americans do when they can't disrespect the Office of the President.

We should bring back a mandatory draft in this country and force every abled-bodied person to serve 2 years. We could use them to do community service type things, if they were not needed in the field. Only those that have truly served have earned the right to truly bitch about anything in this country. Until you have served your country in some capacity you can just shut the hell up. Our country is on the slow spiral to the end. True-Patriotism is dying in America. People don't want to be bothered with the effort. They don't want to really participate in the process, only to bitch about it or wonder why every problem can't be fixed instantly, like there video on-demand.

I know that I would gladly move out of this state in a nano second if I were able, and I would leave the US of A just as quickly and I doubt I would look back. Can you imagine a place where Jesus is ignored and shunned, I can. It is called Washington State, and the US is not far behind. We keep allowing the microscopic minorties to dictate policy in our country. To think that Christmas is attacked yearly, more and more, but those same bastards have no problem taking advantage of the holidays and making as much money as they can. What is it with Atheist? Are they just jealous of the attention that Jesus and God get? I mean, I just don't get it. I could give a rip if you believe in God or not. Fine. Who cares. But why do they keep trying to put down people that do believe? Atheist are one of the worst groups of selfish people on the planet. Sort of stands to reason, though, if you think about it a second. Mr. Atheist, believe whatever you want. I will do the same and we can co-exist wonderfully. I won't tell you what I think of your beliefs and you can do the same for my beliefs. Isn't that the way we are supposed to live?

It is funny they believe that religion hardens hearts. That has got to be one of the most ignorant things I have read. These people really are people that just don't want to have any constraints on what they do. No responsibility, no morals, just me, me, me. But why do they care if other people want to live by some restraint, some compassion, so order. It is mind-numbing to think that this small minority has more say than the over-whelming super majority of people in the country's opinion. I mean, if 75%, 85%, 90% of the people want to have Christmas celebrations then how can that be unconstitutional? The will of the people is being undermined and dismissed by courts all over our country.

What a shame we couldn't bring back the morals and responsibility of the 50s, hell, I would take the 60s.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holidays and Family

I used to get really excited this time of year, but for many years now I find it a real struggle to get too excited about it all. I suppose it really is no mystery. This is the biggest family holiday of the year, and needless to say my family is very lacking. You would think that they might put aside their feelings of superiority for one month out of the year, but I guess that is asking alot.

I don't really understand why my family hates me. It isn't like I was a drug addict or anything. I didn't commit crimes and do time or something. I haven't stolen from them. Let's see, I graduated high school, and served in the Navy for almost 8 years. I received an honorable discharge. I have been a good dad to my kids seeing them and paying my child support when necessary. I have asked my family for very little in the way of anything over the years, but apparently, it must have been too much.

It is kind of funny, I suppose, it really went downhill many years ago when I actually was forced to choose between spending Christmas with my three children, one of which I had not seen that much for a couple years up to that point, and spending it with my two older brothers and my Dad at my brother's house. I was actually told it was rude of me to invite my children to the ''family" Christmas get together. Needless to say, I chose my family, my children, as any good father would do.

Ever since that Christmas my brothers have never invited me to their homes. Come to think of it, my brother didn't invite me to his house for Christmas, he had my other brother do it for him. My brothers use to think they were so much better than me, which is fine if that made their lives better. The funny thing is I have tried repeatedly over the last many years to call them out and ask them why they are the way they are, but alas, nothing.

If I have a problem with anyone, I tell them. My brothers are very weak men. They will never admit that they are shallow and have been terrible brothers. My oldest brother even lied to me at his wife's funeral saying that he would call me. Hey, Bro, I am still waiting.

It is amazing to me how much effort I have put into trying to maintain relationships over my entire life. I use to call my brothers on their birthdays from all over the world. Guess how many times they have called me on my birthday? not too hard, zero.

My wife's parents invite us over to their house numerous times a year and we have big family get togethers that are a lot of fun. I have seen how it is supposed to be. That is why I can say that my family has been a failure and it falls on all of the members.

I have given this blog address to everyone in my family to check out if they care to, but I know that they don't check it, because that would take some effort on their part, and more importantly they would have to care about me to be curious about what I am up to to check the blog.

I hope your family is a close loving family. I have not given up hope on my children and my wife's children in that one day we will be hosting the huge family get togethers. I often wonder if I will ever see my brothers again, which is really sad, especially given the fact one of my brothers lives probably five minutes from me.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.