Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bill Maher is a Liar

I was on a commercial break from the show I was watching so I flipped on Larry King because he was supposed to have Cpt. Sullenberger on his show. Instead it is Bill Maher sitting there. Larry asked some question about the Spendulus Bill and Bill Maher responded why should anyone look at the Republicans Stimulus package when after all it was just a few months ago that they were in charge. LIAR

The Democrats have been in charge since 2006. The congress, NOT the president drives legislation coming out of the congress. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have been in charge. The real question is why doesn't anyone give them credit for what they did to America the last 2 years. The economy was actually doing well for 6 years up to when they took control of congress again.

The Democrats were in charge of EVERY committee, that's both Banking committees. You remember the hearings they held a couple years ago where Barney Frank and that idiot Maxine Waters were saying that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in great shape and there was no need for any investigation of them.

Bill Maher is your typical left wing Liberal. They can't rely on the truth of the record. They have to lie and distort, or outright rewrite history to escape what they have done to this country. Every time the liberals are in charge the country is weakened, see 9/11 and the Cole, the Embassy bombings, the mortgage crisis, the first Twin Tower bombings. Wake America before you find yourself with nothing.

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