Sunday, March 08, 2009

Most liberals are really Moderate Conservatives

Answer honestly yes or no, no qualifiers, yes or no, be truthful with yourself.

1. Do you believe that we are all created equal?
2. Do you believe we all have the ability to succeed?
3. Do you believe that people should reap the reward of hard work?
4. Do you believe that people should be held accountable for their own actions?
5. Do you believe it is wrong to punish people for being successful?
6. Do you believe that people should not spend more than they make?
7. Do you believe that a woman has the right to chose to have a child?
8. Do you believe America is a great country?
9. Do you believe in the American worker and their ingenuity?
10. Do you believe it is wrong to overly tax companies/people?

Can you be honest and answer the questions truthfully? For most, not all, this will seem very silly the answers are so obvious.

No. 7 is on this list to point out something to people that are on the left and that is that many on the right can easily answer yes to this question. Not every person that votes with the GOP is against abortion, many are, but not all. Conservatives would rather not have it out there, but they accept the reality that it is here to stay and the overwhelming majority don't have a problem with it. They would just like a few limits placed on it here and there, which most liberals also agree with.

20-30% hardcore Leftwing Liberals
20-30% hardcore Rightwing Conservatives
40-60% Middle of the road Moderates

At any given time the above percentages are pretty accurate. If you use 30% for left/right and 40% Moderates, that means Obama won 22% of the 40% of middle roaders. Obama achieved 52.87% of the popular vote Okay, fine. They drank the Kool-Aid and believed in the change that never came. McCain had 42.something.

If you took away about 5% of the Moderates that voted for Obama and gave them to the GOP candidate, it would have been a dead heat. So really we are talking about 5-6% of the moderate vote that has to be convinced one way or the other. Since they didn't a conservative choice it was all too easy to vote for the messiah Obama with his message of hope and change and fairy tales. Now that people are seeing that Obama was just a slick teleprompter reading used car salesman, I don't think it will be so easy next time for him to con a nation, especially after he has decimated the wealth of our country for four years.

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